how to clone plants

How to Clone Plants the Easy Way

Things not turning out exactly the way you want is a natural part of gardening that you’re probably familiar with. A sudden disease might strike your crop when you least expect it, the soil might contain something you haven’t planned for, or vermin might crop up out of nowhere. For me, however, nothing is more […]

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1 How to get rid of ants

How to get rid of the ants in your garden without necessarily killing them

When was the last time you took a walk through your garden? Have you noticed any ants around? These insects appear in every corner of the world, so having a colony in your backyard is nothing unusual. But, if left unattended, these small, hard-working fellows can be quite the pestilence. The damage done to plants […]

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bird of paradise plant

Heaven at Home – The Flowerist’ Guide To Growing A Bird of Paradise Plant

Exotic plants get a reputation for being difficult to grow, especially for beginner gardeners. And it’s usually justified, as most species are very particular about temperature and soil or require precise trimming to promote proper development. Some tropical plants like the Calathea ornata can only be efficiently grown in a greenhouse because of how specific […]

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Fastest Growing Vegetables

Top 5 Fastest Growing Vegetables

Maintaining a productive garden tests the owner’s organization skills and creativity. As various plants are harvested, empty spots can pop up on occasion. It is important to plant something in these gaps as soon as possible. Otherwise, the barren soil attracts weeds and erodes during storms. Presented below is a practical list of vegetables that take […]

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How to improve clay soil

5 Tips on How to Improve Your Clay Soil

Did you ever consider becoming a gardener, but always lacked time and resources? Even if you could find some spare time, and found budget-friendly plants, there were always some factors which could draw back your plan and vision of great and neat backyard. One of the most common problems modern day gardeners are having is […]

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