1 The International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants

The International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants: The New Edition

The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature establishes the rules which govern the scientific naming of both wild and cultivated plants. The cultivated plants are all those plants which mankind has developed and selected to grow, cultivate and use and the origin of which is chiefly due to intentional human activity. The International Code of Nomenclature lists […]

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How to Plant a Tree

How to Plant a Tree: Grow a Healthy Tree that Will Benefit You, the Humanity and the Earth

How to Plant a Tree A Perfect Time to Plant a TreeA Perfect Place to Plant a TreeOverhead LinesUnderground LinesGeneral Guide through the Process of Planting Trees1. Dig an appropriate hole2. Identify the trunk flare3. Prepare the tree for planting4. Position the tree in the hole5. Fill the hole6. Stake the tree7. Mulch the base of the tree8. Provide […]

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Best Commercial Backpack Blower

Make Your Gardening Jobs A Lot Easier – Best Commercial Backpack Blower Buying Guide

When you own a landscaping business, your usual workday probably includes some lawn maintenance – cutting grass and removing debris such as grass clippings, fallen leaves, and even twigs. That is where a heavy duty, commercial backpack blower comes into play. As we are really into this interesting topic, here at Gardening Wizards, we group-tested some […]

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When To Pick Spaghetti Squash

A Short Guide On When To Pick Spaghetti Squash?

When To Pick Spaghetti Squash? The BasicsHow does it look?Nutrient powerWinter or summer squashes – what’s the difference?Growing the winter (spaghetti) and summer squashesWhen to pick spaghetti squash? The BasicsOriginating from Central America and Mexico, spaghetti squash represents a big group within Cucurbita, which is a cucumber family. In Mexico, spaghetti squash was planted as […]

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